frequently asked questions


How do I book a trial? Contact the BOUND studio you would like to book a trial class at. You can email, phone or submit a contact request on the BOUND website.

Do I have to do a trial before becoming a member? It is to your benefit to partake in a trial class. It’s great to experience the workout style and community feel we have at BOUND. You can sign up without attending a trial class. If you are under 18, you will need to partake in a trial class with consent from a parent OR guardian before receiving the good ahead to sign up as a member at BOUND.

I have a pre-existing medical issue, can I still do a trial? While we’d love for you to come train with us at BOUND, if you have any ailment/injury, it may be unsafe for you to do so. If you are unsure give us a call and we will advise you with regards to the next step in starting your fitness journey at BOUND.

If you have any ailment/injury and your doctor believes that you’re not ready to perform relatively intense exercise, or you’re unable to provide us with a doctor’s note confirming that you are, unfortunately you’ll be unable to train at BOUND until your doctor gives you the green light. 

Why do I need to book for a trial class? The reason we insist on scheduling your first class is because of our class booking cap of 24 bookings per class, to ensure a proper introduction to BOUND and to make sure you train safely. The trainer will assess you throughout your trial class to check your readiness for class and to ensure we can help you with your fitness journey. Your first visit also gives us a chance to introduce you to our training system and the movement patterns we use so you know what’s going on when you jump in to a session in the future. You’ll also get some personalised recommendations on how to approach future sessions, based on your fitness level and training/injury history – which will ensure that you always get a safe, effective workout that works for you.

Can I and how do I reschedule my trial? Kindly notify the BOUND studio that you are unable to attend your trial class and would like to reschedule your trial class.

Can I just show up at the studio for a trial class? You can try, but we wouldn’t advise doing so as we can’t promise that there will be a class booking available for you. While we’ll absolutely do our best to accommodate you, it’s much better to book your trial class in advance.

Do I need to bring anything with to my trial class? Kindly bring along a sweat towel and water bottle. When you arrive at your trial class, you will meet the trainer and sign a BOUND waiver before partaking in class. 

What if I don’t receive an email confirmation after booking a trial class? Contact the BOUND studio directly via phone call.

Will I be pressured to sign up at the end of my trial class? Absolutely not. Unlike most other gyms, none of our staff have sales quotas or work on a commission basis, so there’s no financial incentive for them to give you the hard sell. At no point will you end up in a ‘member services’ office (we don’t have one) or be offered any type of ‘one time only’ deal. We don’t believe in all that nonsense.


How do I book a session? Upon signing up as a member at BOUND you will receive a welcome email with instructions on how to download and your log in details for our class booking app, Itensity. Once you have download the app, Itensity will ask you to select your BOUND studio, select the studio you have signed up at, example: BOUND Milnerton OR BOUND Pinelands. Once you have selected your studio you can log in into app. Firstly accept the terms and conditions to the waiver that will appear upon your first log in. Select ‘Bookings’, the monthly calendar will open, select the date and click ‘click here to book’, your name will appear and you are then booked in for the class.You can book classes each Friday for the following two weeks. Class bookings can be booked or unbooked 30 minutes prior to a class, book OR unbook for the 16:30 class at 15:59. To cancel a booked session, simply tap on ‘unbook’ next to your class booking for that class.

Do I have to book and unbook? Can’t I just show up?
Yes, you have to book as our classes are capped at 24 members per class. Don’t worry though, it’s super easy to do via our app or online. Booking for class ensures you a spot in class, unbooking allows for others to book or fall into class from the waiting list. Kindly do not book multiple classes if you are unsure what class time you will be able to attend, you have up until 30 minutes before a class to book. Itensity will take note of multiple bookings and fine you accordingly.

How does the waiting list work? If the 24 class bookings are booked the waiting list will open. The waiting list is for 4 class bookings. You will receive an email OR sms notification that your waiting list booking has converted to a class booking. If a class is fully booked and you arrive and have not booked you will need to wait for next class.

I forgot my log in details how do I change it? Your username is your email address or cell phone number that you signed up with. If your details change, please update admin and your updated Itensity details will be emailed to you.Click ‘Forgot Password’ on the log in page, Itensity will email you to reset your password. If you are unable to remember or change your username and password email admin.

What if I show up late? Can I still join the session? It depends on how late you are. The rule is that you can’t join a session after the warm-up has been completed. This is both for your safety and to ensure that the class continues to run on time and without interruption.


As a BOUND member can I bring a referral for a Complimentary Trial Class OR a guest for a Drop in Class? Of course, you can! Email BOUND your referrals name, class time and date to book your referral in for their FIRST Complimentary Class if they are interested in signing up as a member. Your referral can book a class time and date that is best suited to them and can reschedule if they aren’t able to attend. Email BOUND your guests name, class time and date to book your guest in for a Drop in class. Drop in classes are a R100.00 per class per person.

Training Gear must haves: You are required to have a sweat towel and water bottle with you whilst taking part in class. Training clothing and shoes are a necessity and we encourage you to wear your BOUND gear.

Can my children wait in the gym while I train? Kindly note we do not have a designated children’s area. Children can wait in the reception area of the studio, they may not enter the studio floor during the workout, to avoid injury to themselves or others. 

What happens if I leave something in a locker? The lockers will be emptied every day and if anything is found it will be kept it in lost and found. Any items unclaimed after one month will be disposed of. Please note that property is left in lockers entirely at your own risk.

Are there shower and changing room facilities? Yes, we do have shower and changing room facilities available in studio. 

Is there parking and is it safe? Yes, there is free parking within a business park and it is safe and monitored by security.


Are there any initiation fees?
There is no initiation fee when signing up. Our memberships run in calendar months, if you sign up within the month you will receive a pro rata invoice for training thereafter you will be debited upfront each month for training.

Does my membership allow me to train at any BOUND studio?
You are signing up at a specific studio and therefore cannot train at any other BOUND studio other than the one you signed up at. You can purchase Drop in classes to attend another studio at any time, drop in class to be purchased at that studio.

Do I need to renew my BOUND membership?
Once signed up your membership will recur monthly, there is no need to renew your membership. Renewal is required if you have previously terminated your membership and would like to start training at BOUND again.

If I get booked off for an operation, illness or injury can I freeze my membership?
Kindly provide BOUND with your doctor’s note booking you off and clearance when you can start training again. Your membership will be frozen for your required amount of time. Thereafter your membership and debit order will continue.

Can I freeze my membership for other reasons other than operation, illness or injury?
BOUND offers a once a year membership ‘pause’. Membership pauses can be used between February and November within a year and only for a one-month period per year. You will not be debited for this one-month period. If you request another pause within that year, there will be a fee included. Pauses would be best suited for an overseas trip etc. Kindly contact your studio to activate a membership pause.

Can I terminate my BOUND membership?
Yes, you can terminate your membership by emailing a termination letter to your BOUND studio. BOUND will require a calendar months’ notice and payment in order to terminate your membership. A calendar month will be from the 1st to the 30th or 31st. If you terminate within a month, the following month will be your calendar month. Under certain circumstances (e.g. you are forced to move abroad for your job) we may waive the termination fee if you can provide acceptable supporting documentation. If you’ve paid in full for a term membership, you can’t terminate (i.e. you can’t get a refund). However, you are free to privately sell (or donate) any remaining months or sessions to a third party provided they have done (or are willing to do) a trial class before taking over your membership.

Do you offer corporate package or discounts?
We do offer corporate packages and discounts. Contact your BOUND studio directly for a tailored package.

Do you offer personal training?
Yes, we do offer Personal Training at our BOUND studios. Contact your preferred BOUND studio to start training with a personal trainer.

Can I come to BOUND classes using the Fitkey app?
Yes, if you signed up on Fitkey you will be able to book to attend a BOUND class. Kindly ensure you inform the trainer in class that you have booked through Fitkey. You will be required to sign a BOUND waiver before taking part in class.

Will I be effected by membership price increases?
Your BOUND studio will inform you of membership price increase by notifying you with a 2-month calendar notice.”