Welcome to HYROX
The world series of fitness racing.
Hyrox is different from CrossFit, both as a sport and a training form.
- Official Hyrox races follow the same format every time, while CrossFit tests the “unknown and unknowable”.
- Hyrox requires a lower skill level in functional movements as there are no barbells or bar/ring/handstand gymnastics involved. CrossFit tests more complex movements like Olympic Weightlifting and advanced gymnastic movements.
- Hyrox is more of an endurance sport, focusing on the longer time domain required in the set races, while CrossFit trains and tests a broader variety of time domains and power outputs such as sprints and 1RM lifts in combination.
- In short, Hyrox has a lower barrier to entry skill-wise, while it requires a bigger cardio capacity on race day.
- Hyrox and CrossFit use real-life functional movements to test and train participants.
- Both require a good aerobic base for running and other cardio exercises.
- Both will improve fitness for life outside of the gym, for other sports, or simply to be a more functional human being for your kids and those around you.
Can a CrossFitter do Hyrox?
- Yes, many CrossFit athletes have recently tried Hyrox races and done really well.
- A CrossFitter could use 1-2 Hyrox training sessions per week to build a bigger endurance and cardiovascular base.
Must a CrossFitter do Hyrox?
- No, if you want to excel at CrossFit, you need to focus on CrossFit.
Should a Hyrox athlete do CrossFit?
- Yes and no, as it depends on your goals. CrossFit is more strength-based, so if that’s a big goal of yours, mixing some CrossFit into your training for Hyrox races is smart. We will also program a weekly strength session in our Hyrox Classes!